Group leaders are invited to attend Integrity Compliance Programs Workshop-Lessons learned
With the invitation from the World Bank Group Integrity Vice Presidency(INT) ,Mr. Huang Rugeng who hold the post of deputy general manager of group company and chief compliance officer and Mr. Zhu Haifeng who is the vice director of the overseas business department went to the Integrity Compliance Programs workshop-lessons learned which is being organized by INT in Hanoi, Vietnam on March 21-22,2018. The representatives of the conference with the officers from World Bank Group Integrity Vice Presidency and from the world bank's Hanoi office, also have entrepreneurs representatives come from China, South Korea, India, Indonesia and Vietnam and other Asian countries and regions, compliance management experts, in addition, from the commerce association and regional financial institutions for a total of more than 60 people.
In the workshop, regarding promotion of the integrity compliance programs (ICPs) guide principle and standard content made in detail. Some companies operating in Vietnam, and in Asia more broadly, that have developed and are implementing integrity compliance programs (ICPs) provided with valuable insights into the experiences and lessons learned by them.
During the workshop, regarding the status of compliance work of our group, Mr. Huang Rugeng, deputy general manager of group company and chief compliance officer communicated with LISA, the integrity compliance officer of INT. Illustrates the new group leadership attaches great importance to compliance work, and introduced the key point and ideas of integrity compliance work for group company in the near future and 2018. As always, group company welcomes the INT to supervise and inspect the integrity compliance work of CJI and grant the help and guidance to CJI. Ms LISA appreciated the efforts of our company made as of integrity compliance work before,and accepted the integrity compliance work plan for the next stage of our company and full of confidence in the implementation of the plan.